Creating an Attendance Report

on the AdminSports app


Last Update 4 năm trước

You can now create and review BAYS-compliant attendance reports by going to the Attendance tab.  Click the "Create Attendance Report" button to begin.

Begin by filling in the name of the report and the location and time of the game.

Then, you'll see a list of all the players on your team.  You can either mark them Present, Excused, or Unexcused. You can easily review these at a glance by the use of green, orange, or red dots that appear next to their name.

You can also add any guests who showed up using the Add Guest link at the bottom of the page.  This is optional, but it can help keep track of which guests attended what game and could even aid in contact tracing to track the spread of COVID-19.

When you're done, hit "Submit Report" .  That's it!  Your report is now viewable both on the AdminSports app and on your club website's Team Page.

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