Create and Manage Payment Plans

on the Admin Portal


Last Update 4 jaar geleden

To make it easier for families to pay over time, you may set up any of your programs to automatically charge a credit card up to ten additional pre-defined payments.

How is it set up?

  • When creating your programs in Manage Programs, check the "Payment Plan" checkbox next to each program that you wish to enable a payment plan for, and hit Submit.
  • After creating these programs, you will notice a new "Manage Pay Plan" button next to the Clone button for these programs. Click this to adjust the payment plan for that particular program.
  • You can have up to ten total payments.  The first will always be charged at checkout. You can add a new payment date by clicking "Add new payment date".

How does it work?

When a family gets to the checkout screen, they will see if there is a payment plan option available. (If a family prefers to pay by check or fee waiver, they will not be offered the payment plan.)

What does it cost?

There is a $5 deferred billing fee added to the parent's first payment, to cover the extra fees that are generated when charging a card multiple times. An email is sent automatically to the families reminding them that their credit card will be charged, with the date and the amount.

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